Family of survivors

I am a 31 year old woman who was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer In December of 2013. I also tested positive for the BRCA1 mutation. Two weeks after my diagnosis my mom was diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer. She is also a 27 year breast cancer survivor. Since then I have undergone a double mastectomy and completed two rounds of IVF egg retrieval cycles since my fiancé and I have not yet begun our family. I begin chemotherapy next week. After surgery my mother is now going through IV and interperitoneal chemotherapy. My grandmother is a breast, ovarian, and colon cancer survivor and my aunt is a breast cancer survivor as well. The effect cancer has had on my family is profound, but I have to believe that despite all of the hits we have taken there is something in us willing us to survive. I can't express how important it is to understand your family history and get propely screened. I owe my life and the lives of my loved ones to a team of doctors who made decisions proving to save our lives. Both mine and my mothers outcomes look promising and I know in my heart that we will carry on the tradition in our family to survive.

Syracuse, NY