Faith Not Fear, Fighting For My Chicks

My diagnosis came on May 31, 2013. The weeks to follow were a blur of tests, decisions and praying. I was 38, married with 3 "chicks", ages 12, 9 and 3. The Martin McBride song, "I'm gonna love you through it" could have been written for me. I decided very early to never ask "why me?" I would take this 1,000,000,000 times over one of my chicks. I had a single radical mastectomy and a single simple mastectomy, chemotherapy and I'm having radiation right now. I was stage IIB, triple positive with a very aggressive, fast growing cancer. These last 7 months have really been a blur. I have relied very heavily on the support of my BREAST FRIENDS. It seems that my life will forever consist of tests, but at least I'm alive to do it!!!

Laura Clift
Streator, IL