Faith and Hope

At age 33, i was performing a self examination and found a lump in my left breast. I was frightened and told my mother of what i had found and due to NO family history we taught it was nothing. I finally called my doctor and what we taught was nothing turned out to be Invasive Ductual carsidoma (Breast Cancer). I was a single Mom of (3) young boys and was scared of "What if". One night as i was laying on my couch after my second operation with my oldest (who at the time was 7). He asked if he could ask me a question; I told him of course, he asked me if I had cancer, and that for me to promise him i would NOT die. I made that promise that night and my brother's and sister's and my whole family and friends. I would not let cancer beat me! I went thru Chemo and Radiation and my family was there to hold my hand every step of the way. I had many side effects and lost my hair but i kept faith in that i would get thru the treatments and be okay. I believed in my heart that i would get better not only for me but for everyone that cancer effects. I am a (4) year survivor and have no regrets of what life has taught me. I know appreciate the small things in life for when you are batteling to win the fight against cancer, you rely on HOPE! I also give credit to my wonderful FAMILY that pushed me even when i taught i couldn't anymore they NEVER let me give up.

Dawn Van Bramer
Astoria, NY