Eight Little Words-Big Impact

In January, 2011 I went for my regular mammogram. I was called back for a redo. Then an ultrasound. I was told there were microcalcifications that could be nothing or could be cancer. The words that came next floored the nurse and the radiologist. I told them that now isn't a good time for this. The response was "when is it" a good time? I had to explain that I had just lost my father 3 months earlier and that my brother was upstairs in ICU. Oh my poor mother.

A week later. I had the biopsy and four days later heard those eight little words:" You have Stage 0 Ductal Carcinoma In Situ," Wow! The doctor and nurse told me that this was the best type of cancer to get. Yeah! Okay! Sure! This diagnosis came a week after my 48th birthday. Let the roller coaster begin.The gauntlet of emotions, research mode, survivor mode, educator. I said educator because during this time I heard a great deal of hurtful things by others. Some of the comments and questions that were made were not made to be mean but out of ignorance. Ignorance of the disease. I explained to others what my diagnosis was as well as treatments.

It's now close to four years later and I still reflect on all that has happened. I know that I would not have kept my sanity had it not been for close friends and family. I have lost friends through this and gained many more. I have gained a whole new group of "sisters" who have helped me when I needed someone who understood the place that I was at in this journey. I was lucky and I am thankful to a radiologist who insisted on the biopsy instead of waiting.

I try to help new "draftees" of this club no one wanted to join as others have helped me. Still wishing for someday when there will be a cure instead of just a treatment. I learned through this that I am a warrior. I am strong and I am a survivor!

Tina Prince
Waukegan, IL