Early detection is key

I was soon to turn 48 and I was going for my annual mamo. THey spotted something on it and then I had a biopsy, the call came in it was malignant, my heart sunk, I had always felt my odds of getting breast cancer were in my favor as I am from a family of 5 girls..It was stage 0 but in more than one duct so I needed to have a mastectomy. I had faith in the lord and a wonderful husband along with great family and friend support. It is the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with in my life,but I am glad it was me and not one of my sisters..I dread every 6 months that I go for my checkups, but You wont see me skip one either. Loosing a breast is not an easy thing, but it sure beats loosing your life..Please have your annual momo's and do your self exams..Just had my two year anniversay...

Lyndonville, NY