Early Dectection

A routine mammogram showed something, so another mammo along with ultrasound was the next step. After the ultrasound, the doctor came in and said I had breast cancer, did the biopsy right away, stage 1. Too small to feel, no family history, and only 30 days after my husband had a heart attack, he is doing well. Surgery, sentinel nodes were clean, 4 rounds of chemo and 33 radiation treatments later and here I am. Sometimes as I sit here it feels like it all was a dream, but looking in the mirror at my still very short hair reminds me everyday. My love for my family and their amazing support made all the difference in the world, could not have done it without them. Please if someone you love is facing this battle be strong for them, let them cry if they need to, and supportive when they need it.

Linda Malchow
Crivitz, WI