Dreams and a special dog

My story begins Easter of 2012. I had a dream that I had breast cancer on Easter Sunday morning. That same dream reoccurred two more times over the summer. In August our little Westie, Lucy, jumped on my breast and stayed in one spot. She did this again a week later and stayed in the same place. I did my self breast exam and found a hard lump about the size of a small pea. The next day I went to the breast center and had a mammogram. The mammogram was immediately followed with an ultrasound and biopsy. I was confirmed with breast cancer. The next weeks were a whirlwind of PetScan, CT Scan, MRI and Bone scan. My surgeon recommended a lumpectomy which I had on Oct 16, 2012. After six rounds of very aggressive chemo and radiation, I am cancer free!

I am so thankful for my God, family and friends who have carried me through this journey. My faith has sustained me through it all. There have been many blessings along the way and many angels placed in my path. While cancer brings fear it also brings HOPE. Life is good and I have learned to never take one precious moment for granted. My prayer is to live each day and help someone else going down this road. We are stronger than we ever imagined!

Diane Anderson