Don't Ignore the Pain

I was first diagnosed at the age of 33 in August 2008. Stage II Breast Cancer, ER Positive and BRAC1 gene so I elected a double mastectomy. After surgery, receiving radiation, chemotherapy and then reconstruction surgery, my hair finally started growing back. In 2010, I received a NED (No evidence of disease)! During my treatment, I was laid off went back to college and graduated.
While working my dream job, in May 2011, my right lower thigh started hurting. I thought it was my sciatica because it hurt up into my lower back. I went to chiropractor for adjustments. The pain continued to get worse, I developed a serious limp but I continued to go to work. The last Saturday in July 2011, I brought my dog to the vet. When he crossed over in front of me, I stepped over his leash, my leg gave out, I fell and I heard a crunch. Adrenaline pumping I was able to get home safely, but soon started seeing stars and went to the ground. After regaining my marbles, I grabbed my husband's crutches and had someone take me to the emergency room. The MRI found a pathological fracture and peach size tumor (lesion) on my right femur. My femur was stabilized with a rod and screws. Before surgery, I cried because I couldn't believe I was going through this again. After radiation on my femur, my scans showed the cancer had spread to other bones, my spine, pelvis, ribs and skull. I had to start chemotherapy again and lost my hair again. I cried, the hair loss made it real. I have Stage IV Breast Cancer. I discovered there is NO cure but it's treatable. In September 2013, I was not in remission but my cancer was dormant (YAY!!). In Mar 2013, pain showed up again, in my upper femur and low back and scapula. Sure enough scans showed uptake in activity. I just finished radiation on those areas and feeling really good. I will continue to fight as long as God keeps me on this earth!

Tammy Pitre
Lake Charles, LA