Do A Self-Exam With Your Doctor

In January 2013 I went for my annual exam. My gynecologist was doing a breast exam and stopped. She asked me if I did self-exams which I responded "yes". She then asked me if I knew I had a lump which I responded "no". She put my hand on my left breast and I told her I didn't feel anything. She pushed my hand down harder and then I felt it. It turned out to be Stage 2, but tests showed I didn't need chemo. However, after two attempts the breast specialist couldn't get a clean margin which meant the tumor had finger-like extensions. A mastectomy was recommended and I elected to have both breasts removed. I liked the sound of "no chance" better than a "small chance" of it reoccurring in the other breast.

Now I need to backtrack. Several years ago I weighed over 270 lbs. My gynecologist asked me if I would ever consider gastric bypass surgery. I was shocked because I didn't understand the surgery. A few years back I was 49. My mom was diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 50. Doctors repeatedly told me I was a prime candidate. My mom died at 67 from complications and my children never knew her. I was scared and decided to have gastric bypass surgery. I lost 140 lbs. When I was diagnosed in January, both my gynecologist and breast specialist told me we could be having a different conversation at a much later date. If it weren't for the weight loss, I would probably be walking around undiagnosed with a growing tumor.

Ladies, please see your doctor every year, do an exam with your doctor to make sure you're doing it right, and don't skip your mammogram. I did self-exams, but I wasn't pressing hard enough. It's been a rough year, but the worst is over for me. I'm almost done with the reconstruction. I owe my gynecologist for my life two times. First for suggesting the gastric bypass and second for finding the lump.

I'm a lucky girl!

Peggy Engman
Monterey Park, CA