Diagnosed with malignant breast cancer on 7 January 2010

I discovered a walnut-size lump on the left side of my left breast on 23 December 2009. I did not have health insurance. The health department examined my breast on 28 December 2009. By then, my lump was 3x5 inches and very firm. They thought it was serious. I had my diagnostic mammogram and biopsy on 4 January 2010. The pathology report came back on 7 January 2010 and reads Invasive Mammary Carcinoma. The smaller print indicates I have ILC and IDC. My surgeon implanted a Sub Q Port on 15 January. I meet with my oncologist for the first time on 21 January. They will begin with chemo first, probably a full Mastectomy second, and then a cocktail of chemo and radiation third. To help other women and as a form of prayer therapy, I am blogging and writing how to articles on every thing I am learning along the way. I am blessed that most or all of my expenses per breast cancer will be covered.

I cut off 24 inches of hair to give to Locks of Love on 9 January. My husband has me on every prayer chain that he can get his hands on. I have a very strong faith and know that well-being abounds. I let myself indulge in a couple of pity parties; however, mostly, I feel strong and confident. With God's ever-present help, I will get through this. My mantra is: "I am looking good, feeling good, healthy and whole. I am a breast cancer survivor aka thriver." My favorite quote by Mary Baker Eddy: "To those leaning on the sustaining infinite, today is big with blessings." I am counting my blessings every day: God, my husband, my family, my friends, and the opportunity to be of service to others.

Debbie Dunn aka DJ Lyons
Mosheim, TN