diagnosed on 05/19/14 with Breast cancer

Dear Cancer I know that you think you are on your way to victory since you have invaded my body but i got news for you, you are not going to win this battle not today not for a long time. I know one day you will because you got everyone in my family but none of us died this young from you and i am not going to be the first, you will have a battle on you that you have never seen before. Sure you are going to take my breasts from me but i will get new one's sure you are gong to make me lose my hair but it will grow back and yeah you will make me lose some weight but i need to anyway so by the time i am done with you i will use your own chemical warfare and use it to my benefit. no time for crying i do that at night when i talk to my Colonial (God) you see he has my back and when i wake in the morning i am ready with a new state of mind new strategy on how to win this and no where has my God told me to give up he tells me how to win and win i will so cancer get ready for a war you have never seen because you picked on the wrong bitch this time. Sincerely Voula Kalamatianos-Wilson

Voula Wilson
Elgin, IL