Crazy Insurance and their Policies..

A couple of months ago i noticed a small bump right under the skin of my left breast. I went to the Doctor to get it checked out and she is positive that it is just a fat deposit. So she wrote me a prescription to have a mammogram done, just to ease my worries. The way she wrote the mammogram prescription, it would be deemed a diagnostic mammogram. So i called my insurance company to find out how much it would cost me to get the mammogram done. A diagnostic mammogram will cost me up to the max of my deductible ($2500) BUT i am allowed 1 screening mammogram up to the age of 40 (i am 39) and it wont cost me anything. How crazy is this? Its the same procedure, i assume. Do they do different types of mammograms? I don't know how anyone can afford insurance, deductibles and coinsurance to have cancer. When i told my husband, one of the first things i said to him was we cant afford for me to have cancer. How do you survive if you don't have the money to pay for it? And this is the main reason it took me 2 months to tell my husband and go to the doctor. I know a lot of responses are will be your life is more important that money, trust me I know that. I have an 8 month old grandson that i want to see grow up. But if you don't have the money to pay for it, what happens? This has got to be the most scariest thing a women has to face and how do you face it if you cant pay for it?
Well anyways I called back my doctor and told her that if she was certain that this was a fat deposit than i am not doing the mammogram. I am not paying up to $2500 for a diagnostic mammogram. Well guess what? Great doctor that she is sent me a new prescription for a screening mammogram and i have my appointment June 4.

Austell, GA