
I was at the top of my career abroad when I noticed a lump on my right breast and felt quick pain every now and then. I went for an ultrasound and the result was negative but seeing obvious physical change on my breast, I went home to have a second test in the Philippines, my intuition is right, something wrong is happeningwith my body, I have a stage 3 Invasive Pleomorphic Lobular Carcinoma, with Lymph nodes positive metastasis and Her2neu positive even though no one in the family had it before. With a positive approach and guide by my surgeon, I had MRM. After a month of recovery from the surgery I started with my chemo, I also had my 30 day radiotion therapy and now on my 12th chemo, 6 more sessions of Herceptin and I will be cleared to work again. I praise and thank God for the courage to face this test. I also want to thank my group of supporters who were there for me through my battle with cancer. Together we will win and will give glory to our God. My Christ is greater than my cancer! as of now I do volunteer work in our church and in cancer community to show that no cancer will ever stop me from serving God!

Bacolod City, Philippines