Cora M.

When I was first diagnosed back in 2007. like everyone else when they hear those words, "you have breast cancer", I did not believe it. Was upset, but I had a lot of faith in my doctor. Hubby drove me home, still crying, went to bed. When I woke up, had a whole different outlook on how I would handle this. First called my doctors nurse, talked to her and asked her advice. She said if she was me she would take care of it. My whole attitude changed. Instead of upset, I became determined that I would beat this! Had a good attitude, told all my friends. Held my head up high. I decided on a mastectomy of my left breast. Have never looked back or wished I had made a different decision. I am alive and healthy, but, I never miss my yearly mammogram. Stay strong my friends, there are survivors from this!

Cora Moseley
Sulphur, LA