Come back in 6 months

My name is LaShondra! I found a lump in my right breast in August 2013. I called my doctor the next day to refer me to get a mammogram/ultrasound done. I was scheduled for the tests by the end of the week. I had the tests done and was told to wait in the examining room to wait for the doctors findings. I was called into the radiologists office, my heart sank right then. He told me from the last visit, which was last year, that the cysts in the left breast had shrunk. He went on to tell me the right breast look like I might have a little fibroidal cysts which were probably benign. He said he would like for me to follow up in 6 months. I did not feel right with his diagnosis so I called my doctor and told him I would like to have a second opinion. I had an appointment with a surgeon two weeks after that. I went to my appointment. He said he wanted to go ahead and remove it, because he did not want me loosing anymore sleep over a probably benign finding by the radiologist. I had surgery on September 2013 and had my results the next week. I felt like I was punched in the stomach when I was told the lump was cancerous. Not only that, but he had to go back in and remove the surrounding tissue and to remove my sentinel lymph node to see if it spread. Long story short, I was diagnosed with Stage 1 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma and BRCA1 positive. I do not have to do chemo or radiation, but I have the gene which means the Angelina Jolie mutation. I have a long road ahead. I WILL SURVIVE!!

LaShondra LaForte'
Jessup, MD