
Currently going through the motions of breast cancer at times can be hard. It has been over 6 months now with many tests from mammograms, x-rays, MRI's and 3 Biopsies. I see now how other women/men young and old can get very frustrated with the way things are handled as far as medical.This lump I now call Charlie.
Still I'm in shock and it seems so surreal to me that it is even happening. Which, I know now many have felt the same way and it is heart wrenching to say the least.
I missed a mammogram one year 1/2. I had skipped due to moving over 3 times it was chaotic. Now just trying to deal the news.
I appreciate your web site and the on going support and wiliness to continue to help others out there. Not only you your family, friends,co-workers & pets are affected.
My god! I never knew how loved I was until this terrible cancer attacked me. Charlie made a friend too. What is necessary now is Mastectomy.I am to see the Reconstruction surgeon. (Chance) new name for breast. Why because we both have a chance at a New Improved Better Life without Cancer. ( Charlie )
My son wrote me a special note on the pink ribbon given to me by daycare. Then I lost it. I urge all to do the check ups.
One day I hope to share my story with other women and help them fight this Breast Cancer. I fought many things in my life this has got to be the most challenging one but I'm a good fighter! I fight for my right to stay alive for all of mankind to say we women/men can beat this.
Take Care God Bless!~ Keep up the Good Work! <3

San Martin, CA