Celebrating 25 years as a Breast Cancer Survivor

I am very blessed to be a 25 year Breast Cancer survivor. I will be celebrating with my dear daughter, grand daughter and special friends this Sept 21 in Yorktown,Il with the Susan Komen Race for the Cure.
In May 1989, I had my baseline mammogram. The diagnosis was breast cancer! The area was deep and could not be felt but was detected on the mammogram.
I asked my Oncologist to take my case to the Tumor Board at the hospital to determine the best treatment for me.
The size, borders and statistics were good..I had a 'good' cancer.
A biopsy and lumpectomy were performed-negative lymoh nodes :)
My treatment was radiation and chemo therapy which I endured while still working full time as a technologist in Diagnostic Imaging.
I had the best Surgeon and Oncologist for my care. Loving support and prayers from my dear family, friends and church family.
We all are on a different journey. My encouragement for you beginning or enduring is too keep the faith, endure, be strong and press on ! May God richly bless all of you!

Susan M Johnson
Wheaton, IL