Carol Houston's Journey

My Journey with Breast Cancer began my baby boy's Senior year in High School and right around my 58th birthday the year 2007. I went to the Dr. for a mammogram that was 3 year's late at my mother's prompting. She needed one too so we went together. I got a call the next day and it said to return to the hospital for a closer look at something that looked suspicious. I was just wanting to get it over with because I hate mammograms and my life was so busy with Brett's senior year and my precious grand-children, my mother who needed me a lot with her failing health. I didn't have time for this. When I returned the Dr. called the same day and said to go to the surgeon immediately. My daughter-in-law took me and I got a biopsy in the office that showed up negative, but they knew it was cancer and sent me for another biopsy with a sonogram to get the right tissue. It did show up and my journey began. I was in shock. I had lost my precious and youngest "Aunt Saundra" to breast cancer17 years ago and my sister-in-law "Janet" had been fighting breast cancer for a few years too. So I journeyed with Janet one more year and she died. A dear friend "Karen" had fought this battled for a number of years and walked me through the hospital and actually led me to the finest Dr. available. She and Janet, and my family were so strong for me, my best cheer-leader. I had "a mastectomy" October 29th, 2007, I went through the procedures of having re-construction and backed out at the last minute. I'm just glad to be alive, and praise the Lord for each new day.

Carol Houston
Festus, MO