Cancer? Not me!

At the end of August of this year I found a lump in my right breast while in the shower. Soon after, I had a mammogram and ultra sound, which showed an abnormality. A week and a half later, I met with a breast surgeon. He did an exam and a needle biopsy right then. The next day, October 3, I got the news. How can this be? I am only 39, I teach full time, I have three kids...there is no family history. Two weeks later, I had a lumpectomy and lymph node biopsy. The results showed the first 3 nodes were positive, the last four were negative. I also am a stage 2B and "triple negative"! I had PET and bone scans and luckily they were clear. My first chemotherapy treatment was last week, November 6th. I will do 8 rounds, once every 14 days. The first four are Adriamycin/Cytoxin and the last four are Taxol. So far, the nausea wan't bad and I am mostly tired.

I am not a vain person, but for some reason, knowing I have to have a mastectomy isn't an issue, it's losing my hair! I did find a wig, and that's what I have on in the picture. So I am ready :) On top of all the diagnoses, I also found out I tested BRCA 2 positive! I feel lucky that, even though this is difficult, I have the opportunity to get better and fight this, and to be aware for my children, so they won't have to go through this. My love and prayers to all those who are fighting this fight and to those families who lost loved ones to this ridiculous disease. I am staying positive and my support system is amazing. Hang in there girls! We will win this fight!

~Jenn :)

Jenn DeYoung
Binghamton, NY