Cancer-free--That's me!

I have had breast cancer twice since 1994. Two different kinds to boot! My first bout came during my daughter's senior year of high school and I was so busy I forgot to worry. We even went on a Cruise and I had my surgery AFTER my fun. I remained cancer-free for 16 years and then I was diagnosed with a more invasive type. I had such a wonderful support system--husband, family, Parish Nurse, surgeon, prayer warriors, etc., that no cancer had a chance! There were times that I was frightened but then I would get a card or a phone call or a hug and my spirits would lift. Prayers work and I've been cancer-free again for 3 years. Never give up. Believe that you can beat this thing and keep fighting every day. Both of my cancers were found early thru mammograms so get them when they are due. Cancer may be tough but I'm tougher and so are all of you. God bless you on your journeys and never give up.

Kathy Rhee
Bay Village, OH