cancer don't care

I am 28 years old and 5months pregnant with my third child. With no trace of breast cancer in my family, I was devistated to find, I was just diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer with a tripple negative. I start my journey tomorrow with a battle I refuse to loose!! I get my port placed tomorrow and start chemo on wednesday november 6th and will receive it every three weeks for 3 hours untill the baby is in a safe zone to deliver early around 30 weeks. I will have a bit of time to recover and then we will be doing a masectomy. Then chemo/radation as nessacary. I am keeping away from the negative and only looking forward. I have a life to live not a life to surrender! :-) the power of prayer, support from family, friends and even strangers have amazed me. I have many challenges since I'm a single mother and unable to work now due to treatment and high risk so the support has really helped. I still have fears of how I will make ends meet and provide but everyone assures me not to worry god will work it all out. So here I go, placing my life in gods hands trusting he will guide me and keep me strong! One day at a time and greatful for every breath I'm given!!! :-)

Jesica Ruchti
menlo, IA