Cancer doesn't care if your only 30..

Twenty days after turning 30, I heard the words no 30 year old getting married in 3 months EVER needed to hear - You have Cancer.

In February 2014, I felt a small movable lump on the side of my right breast. Being an ER/ICU Registered Nurse, you know a little to much and always diagnose yourself with everyone else's diagnosis. I ended up going to the ER the next morning where I use to work for a breast ultrasound. I was told by the ultrasound tech she did NOT see anything in my right breast. I was told my lump was "benign", given a clean bill of health from the ER. I forgot about it for a few days then decided to make an appointment with my GYN. A few days later, seen by my own GYN, I was sent over to a breast surgeon who repeated the ultrasound and found a 1.3cm tumor - biopsied within the hour and two days later I was told it was Cancer. All that was running through my head was my wedding in 3 months, my new job in the ICU that I was still on orientation, my fiance, my family, my friends..and the one thing everything everyone thinks when they hear the C I going to die?

I was diagnosed with Stage 1 Triple Negative Invasive Ductal Carcinoma.

I am fortunate enough to live in one of the greatest city's in the world - NYC. I was introduced to an amazing oncologist who then introduced me to an amazing Breast Surgeon at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. I was immediately told that I will survive this without hesitation. Since diagnosis, I found out I was BRAC 1 + & had my double mastectomy along with reconstructive tissue expanders on 3/19/14.

As of today, April 25th, 2014, besides the few bumps in the road with the tissue expanders, I am clear of cancer in my right breast. Margins clear, no spread to ANY lymph nodes & just preventative non aggressive chemo.

Oh yes & my fabulous wedding is in 5 weeks!

Bronxville, NY