Cancer Changed Me Forever

Last year Sept/2013 I went for my first ever mammogram which is what you do when you turn the big 40, Right? . It was explained to me that I had a few scattered microcalcifications which is pretty common (these are usually only cancer in 20% of women), however my radiologist wanted me back in 6 months just to be certain nothing had changed. So, now fast forward April 2014, I am in my 3rd semester of Nursing School (second career) and I had that follow up 6 month appt nagging me, so I did go. I am so glad I did...... I was getting that one spot redone, I had the tech come get me several times for a redo of the shot. You see my radiologist is awesome and you get your mammogram done and the report the same day from her with a one on one appointment. I knew right then something was wrong. So sure enough the radiologist came and got me and told me that my calcifications had clustered and multiplied pretty quickly, she was almost certain it was early stage cancer. So in May 2014 the day before my final exam in nursing school I had a sterotactic Biopsy done and sure enough the next day I was told it was indeed DCIS. After much back and forth I decided, against my surgeons wishes to have a bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction. I had the BMX done on June 25, 2014 and as of yesterday I am 5 weeks out. I feel great and have no complaints. Surgery went well and I am exercising already. I feel such a weight off my shoulders.

The results of my BMX also showed an additional tumor with microinvasive cancer that was never picked up on the mammogram, just by the MRI before surgery. So I am at peace with my decision. I was also just informed last week that I need no treatment. No hormones, no radiation and no chemo. Lymph nodes were clear. I am lucky. Cancer has given me a new outlook on life.

Pasadena, MD