cancer came knockin

I went for my annual mammogram in January 2014, then received a call that they wanted to do an ultrasound for a closer look. Somehoq, I knew, then came the call for a biopsy....I will never forget the day I got the call, February 4th 2014 standing in our kitchen with my husband , Joey. The words, you have breast cancer just rang in my ears, everything just stopped, my world stopped. Then my amazing husband took me in his arms and said, we got this. I am the mother of four grown children, grandmother of five beautiful grand kids and married to my best friend, so I decided to fight, fast and hard. By that afternoon I was in my doctors office saying book an OR and get me a surgeon. She did and on February 26th (my son Matt's birthday) I had a double mastectomy. I was diagnosed with IDC grade 3 and was her2+ (no lymph nodes involved) I made the immediate choice to have double mastectomy as I wanted to give myself the best chance. I went through 6 rounds of chemo. I had a party to shave my head after the second chemo because I refused to allow cancer or chemo dictate when my hair came out. I was the one with the power. I finished chemo July 11th 2014. I had amother party to celebrate. This journey never stole my joy, I have laughed and smiled more than I ever have. I still get herceptin treatments once every 3 weeks until March of 2015 and then I will have another party. I choose to celebrate life not allow doubt or worry take control. I am a survivor, I am thankful for the journey as it has given me purpose. I have met people I would never have met had I not been on this path. The glass my friends is half full.

Deonna Hampton
Labelle, FL