Cancer...Been There, Beat That

My phone rang and an anonymous voice on the other end simply said, "It's cancer." With those two little words, my life was forever changed.

First, I dealt with the fear of dying. When I concluded that I wasn't afraid to die, I realized I had no obstacle to living. For me, living with my mortality meant I must make my life amazing. I love more intensely, and I cherish my loved ones. I breathe deeply as I delight in life.

I saw cancer as a detour in my life. Just as a detour takes us off our desired path, we eventually get back to it and go on our way. While I am back on my chosen path, I live more passionately. The support I received from my husband, family, and friends got me through the darkest period of my life. Now I know I can face anything that life throws at me, and I do so with the joy of being alive to experience whatever I have to face.

Other survivors mentored me through my cancer detour, and I have been blessed to "pay it forward" for those who have followed. This is a sisterhood that no one chooses to join, but once you are a member, it is a sisterhood like no other. Your "cancer" sisters look out for you and you for them.

I don't view cancer as a blessing, but it brought all of my blessings to light so I am able to appreciate them more than ever. None of us knows what tomorrow will bring, so I must bring the best of me and my life to today. I love not knowing what is next on my life's journey, but I believe in its promise, the promise of hope, love, and laughter.

Linda Wheeler
Denver, CO