But my kids are so little.

I went for a routine mammogram in February 2010 because I hadn't had one in 5 years because I had been pregnant or breast feeding for the previous 4 years. But I got a phone call to come back to the office for an ultrasound, then another call for an MRI, the another call for a core biopsy. WIth every call I knew deep down what the news was, but still was not prepared for the radiologist to call and tell me that I had stage 1 breast cancer.

Seriously?! My kids are 3, and 1. My 3 year old has Autism. My husband can't handle all that has to be done with these boys. Every woman in my family except my mom has had breast cancer and it killed most of them except 2. I waited 40 years to be a mom and I was so afraid I was not going to be there for my boys.

I found a surgeon who was a breast cancer survivor. I had researching the internet for answers. My decision was a full bi-lateral mastectomy and to have my ovaries out, it was not up for negotiation. The women in my family that had done lumpectomy and single mastectomies didn't live. This was my only option.

I have 2 kids one is special needs, and they need their mommy and they need me to be healthy. I had my surgery March 9th and have been cancer free for 6 months. I am able to help my son in therapy, and play with my 1 year old the way a mommy should.

The early menopause kind of stinks, but it was an easy trade to give my ta-ta's away so my kids could have their mommy and my husband could have his wife.

Rebecca Goddard
Mission Viejo, CA