...but I'm only 29! I can't have breast cancer!

In 2012 I noticed an indent on my right breast. Being only 28 years old at the time, I never thought anything of it. In March 2013 I mentioned this dimple to my doctor after my annual physical and she sent me for an ultrasound. The ultrasound showed a large mass so the doctor sent me for a mammogram and did a biopsy that same day. When he finished, he sat down beside me and said "Candice, this is more than likely cancer." And that is when my world went still. Cancer? I can't have cancer, I'm only 29 years old!
On April 22nd, 2013 the doctors suspicions were confirmed, I had Breast Cancer!
I opted to have a double mastectomy, mainly because I never wanted to have to worry about this again in my left breast. The plan was to have a double mastectomy and reconstruction during the same surgery. I decide to go with implants for my reconstruction. After the surgery, I had a very hard time healing and had to have an additional 3 surgeries resulting in the removal of my implants and a lot of scars. I finally healed and it was time to start my chemotherapy.
Chemo was quite the experience. I was very nauseous and had a lot of bone pain, but I made it through. Unfortunately, I gained 36lbs and lost all my hair. Being a single young lady, this was the hardest part for me. I felt like I completely lost my femininity! I felt hidious!
I am now recovering from my chemo treatments and waiting to have a consultation with the plastic surgeon to discuss my options for reconstruction. I am still off work and get a lot of anxiety at the thought of returning. In fact, I get anxiety every time I leave my house. My self confidence has plumetted! It will definitely take some time for me to recover from this experience. It has not been an easy road but I have a great support system that I could not have come as far as I have without. LYF

Barrie, Canada