Breast-Less Tumor

In 2007, my mother passed away suddenly, my husband lost his business and on the day after Christmas I was diagnosed with Stage II Breast Cancer. I started off 2008 with what was to be a year full of medical treatments and surgeries. I had three surgeries, 6 rounds of chemo and 30 radiation treatments. The point I want to make it that my tumor was not IN my breast but UNDER it, right where your bra rubs. I thought it was a sore from a tight bra. I kept an eye on it and when it didn't go away and felt a little hard, I went to the doctor to get it checked out. Since I already suffered from fluid-filled cysts, I got mammograms twice a year. Unfortunately, my tumor was not detectable on a mammogram. It did show up on an ultrasound. It was the size of a pencil eraser. I had a lumpectomy and (luckily) one lymph node involved. I have been on Tamoxifen for a year and a half now. I follow up with my oncologist every four months and my prognosis is good. Ladies, breast cancer isn't limited to in your breast. Always check underneath. It saved my life.

East Stroudsburg, PA