Breast Cancer

Cancer has been a part of my life since I was small, my grandmother had Breast Cancer and chose to have a masectomy,my sister had a seizure and found out that she had Stage 4 Brain Cancer and passed away almost 2 yrs ago, my father had Colon, Liver and Lymphnode Cancer and I still chose not to have a Mammogram and I am 42 yrs young. I went for a physical and the Dr. did a breast exam and found something that did not fill right to her and this was June of this year, she then scheduled a Mamm. for me and they found a mass and I knew before I had the biopsy that I had Breast Cancer. I chose to have a masectomy but still had to have 33 radiation treatments. I am now done with them and will from now on have a Mamm. on my right breast til I die. Thanks to my Dr. I still would never had the first one done. I am a SURVIVOR.

Lynchburg, TN