Breast Cancer

At 41, my doctor told me it was time to start doing annual mammograms. I thought nothing of it, and went to my scheduled appointment. After, when they called me back because the mammogram was suspicious, I thought nothing of it.Why would I? No one in my family history ever had breast cancer. After the biopsy was done and now knowing the fact that I had cancer was shocking. The surgery was practically painless. It took more of a toll on my mind than my body. It was stage 2A. I got a lumpectamy. They took about 40% of my breast. Then the real work began. The chemo made me sick. The radiation burnt my skin but i'm still here today! That was 4 years and 1 month ago. I have my check ups like clock work. I do everything the doctor tells me to. The moral of my story is... EARLY DECTION SAVES LIVES! HAVE YOUR MAMMOGRAM DONE TODAY!

Love You All! God Bless and Happy New Years!

Bellflower, CA