Breast Cancer: Take 2 and Done

After being diagnosed with Ductal Carcinoma In-Situ of the left breast in October of 2008 and having a lumpectomy, chemotherapy, and radiation, here I was 5 1/2 cancer-free years later, preparing for a hysterectomy and oophorectomy because I had tested positive as a carrier of the gene that causes breast and/or ovarian General Surgeon suggested a routine mammogram since it was time for it anyway, so I complied. A new pair of eyes belonging to a new Radiologist at our facility saw something she wasn't comfortable with, so a biopsy of the right breast was ordered and performed. Several days later, I was hit with the news AGAIN. (I couldn't wait the whole weekend to see the surgeon the following Monday, so I went to Medical Records and got a copy of my pathology report and reviewed it with the physician that I work with.) This time it was Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. Very small, very new, very cancer. By this time, I decided that I'd had enough. Over the next month, preparations were made to align both my General Surgeon and Gynecologist to have both a bilateral mastectomy and hysterectomy/oophorectomy during one surgical event on July 1st, 2014. 6 weeks of medical leave from work ensued, which I could not afford, but I have such an AMAZING army of family and friends, this was not going to stop us! My army has rallied and fought beside me, made sure that no bill would go unpaid, that no need would be unmet, and that I would never feel alone. On October 10th, 2014, I completed 12 weeks of chemotherapy again, and cannot express the gratitude I feel, how loved and supported I have been during this second journey! It has helped tremendously to share every step with those that I love, my family and friends, MY ARMY.

Santa Fe, TX