Breast Cancer Survivor Twenty Five Years

I was diagnosed with breast cancer age forty three. I am sixty eight years old now. I was twenty nine when my mother passed away. Two brothers passed away with cancer. Keeping a diary can help so much when you are alone. I wrote in my diary when I was happy, sad, or in pain. I had three small children at the time my mom had cancer. I had gone through a divorce from my husband. When my mom did go to the doctor, the cancer had spread. He gave my mom a year to live. She only lived six months. At the end I was there to take care of my mom. We had always spent time with each other.
I was born with a disability and I did not walk until I was three or four years old. I had six brothers and four sisters. I was the only one born with a physical disability. I could not go outside to play with my sisters and brothers. My grandma stayed with us and she made quilts. I asked my grandma if I could have some of the scraps, a needle and thread. She asked, "for what?" So I can make my doll some cloths. I was about seven years old. My mom made me a rag doll and my doll had some beautiful clothes. My mom took me to a Cripple Children Clinic in Atlanta, GA. I had to wear special made shoes with braces attached to the shoes. This helped me to stand and walk. I had my first surgery age thirteen. I am a twenty five years breast cancer survivor. I have three children, four grand children, and one great grand daughter.
I still make doll clothe. I am a published author of two books. I wrote the books from the diary I kept during the time I was taking my treatments. I had chemo and radiation. My left breast was removed. I had reconstruction surgery of my breast. I had my mammogram on July 22, 2014 and I am good for another year.

Delores Anderson Brown