Breast Cancer - Passing Through Fire

It was during our Annual Family Medical Exam that the attending physician on thatday happens to be an oncologist. She detected a protruding lump on my upper left breast. I remember telling her i thought it was my collarbone. A breast ultrasound and mammogram were immediately added to my list of test.

The results revealed a 3.2cm solid mass. I have been diagnosed with Invasive Ductal carcinoma stage IIA Breast Cancer. A modified radical mastectomy surgery was done on my left breast. Recovery from the surgery followed.

I went through eight cycles of chemo treatment. I had a rough first chemo treatment because of the side effects of the chemo drugs. I became so weak...I could not take any solid food, just liquids. I went back to my doctor in a hospital wheelchair.I really thought I will be hospitalized and die. My family told me to fight and not give up. Their love and support gave me the will to survive

My oncologist gave me medications and vitamins to combat the side effects of chemo treatment. I was told that I have to be strong in mind and body. I became bald including my eyebrows and eyelashes, my fingernails and toenails turned dark gray.

During these trials, I called out to God and I felt his love throughout my treatment.

The second up to the 8 and last chemo treatment went well already. I actually gained weight (from 89lbs to 130lbs) and I became stronger in mind and body.

I am now a Breast Cancer survivor of 2 years. I have a regular breast ultrasound test and check ups with my oncologist.

These are the bible verses I kept reading and came to memorize. The word of God raised me up...and He healed me.

"...My grace is all you need, for my power is greatest when you are weak."...2Corinthians12:8-9

"When you pass through deep waters,
I will be with you; your troubles will not overwhelm you.

When you pass through fire, you will not be burned;
the hard trials that come will not hurt you." - Isaiah 43:2

Nina Garcia
National Capital Region, Philippines