Breast Cancer is No Longer A Death Sentence

I was diagnosed in 1996 with early stage breast cancer, had a mastectomy and thought that was the end of it. To my shock and terror, in 2003 I discovered a lump under my left armpit and was diagnosed with Stage IV metastatic disease. I was treated with hormone therapies for three years and then began chemotheapy treaments.
My quality of life has remained absolutely normal including extensive world- wide travel with my husband. I have been practicing Kundalini yoga since my 2003 diagnosis and feel that has been my saving grace because it keeps me focused and balanced emotionally, physically and spiritually. In addition, I have worked out with a friend and personal trainer twice a week for the past seven and a half years. That has also kept me strong. However, the most impactful force of being a successful survivor has been the enormous support of my family and huge network of friends, especially when I had a bad patch in the hospital this past winter. But, as Dr. Elizabeth Tan-Chiu, my superb oncologist, said, I survived because of my yoga and physical workouts as regular regimens.
I meditate and have a very strong connection to my spiritual power and really feel blessed that I am here today walking every year in two breast cancer fund raisers.
Yoga, physical training and a strong spiritual connection along with a very healthy diet all contribute to my success. I make daily conscious choices about what I put in my body and that is a huge part of my success, as well. My doctor cares strongly about her patients and I have the best family who cares, and are just always there for me.
Everyday is a gift filled with gratitude.

Judith Baker
Margare, FL