Breast Cancer Face-To-Face

First you think "not me!" I work out six days a week. I bike thirty miles a day on weekends. I eat alfalfa sprouts and drink green tea. When I brought up my kids, I went organic, I crushed up tofu and broccoli for their meatballs. How could cancer be in my body? You are stunned and scared and you walk around shaking your head. You don’t know who to trust. You want to learn from it, but it’s too early to learn. First, you have to have a plan. Until you have a plan, you are lost.

I am among the group of breast cancer patients/survivors whose cancer was identified early. I never felt as though I was fighting for my life. Because there were cancer cells in my sentinel node (but thankfully not any others), my oncologist suggested that I have the chemotherapy and radiation. I went for it. The whole package. If I did not have "chemo," I would not lose my hair and I would not be afforded the complete experience of having breast cancer. I wanted to face it fair and square—head-on!!

Please check out my blog/website and tell me what you think!

Karen Stone
Easton, MA