Breast cancer and Facebook fight

Well my story was going to be what brought me to this point but we know the obvious I had breast cancer and I had a double mastectomy three weeks ago to remove it. What I'd like to bring forward is a fact just thrown my way. I posted this exact picture on Facebook and someone requested Facebook remove it as it's obscene and pornographic!!! Unreal. Breast cancer is not a dirty little secret and because of people like whomever requested the removal of my picture and story women and men all over the world will continue to feel ashamed of breast cancer and or the removal of their breasts!!! This is a outrage and we need to stand together and secure women and men in their decision to remove their breasts to save their lives!! I refuse to live in shame for my decision that inevitably has saved my life at 44 years of age! We are not just a pink ribbon we are mothers, sisters, aunts, grandmothers, girlfriends, wives, brothers, fathers, grandfathers and so on. We are fighters and we need never be ashamed of that! Facebook needs to make it clear to Facebook user that breast cancer pictures are heroic not shameful, obscene or pornographic!

Dawnya ferdinandsen
Sandusky, OH