Breast cancer age 34

i found a lump in my breast,went to the docotor who sent me up to breast clinic,sitting in the waiting room i thought nothing of it as it was so busy and they said at that time it would be 1 in 10 that got recalled,after i got all my tests done,i went back into a room and there in front of me was a mcmillian nurse telling me i had cancer,the shock was unbearable i thought i,m a single parent aged 34 a mother to 2 daughters age 11+6,my whole world came crashing down in an instant.After a few weeks i started 4 months of chemo followed by a mastemony and full lymph node clearance,radiotheraphy and 18 cycles of herceptin which i,m currently recieving and finish at the end of july,finally there is light at the end of the tunnel and its thanks to all the medical staff,my caring family+friends that has got me where i am i just want to get across the message to all you ladies that if you do find a lump go and get it checked as early detection is crutical,and there is life after breast you all.xx

karen dickson
scotland, United Kingdom