Breast aug gone bad

After three years of saving money, I finally had enough to get the boob job I always wanted. After breast feeding my two kids, I should say the one I needed. In Dec 2012, I met with a plastic surgeon for my initial consultation. She felt my breast to determine size and discuss the type of implant to use. After we agreed, I made the appt to come back in March 2013 for the her to take my H&P prior to surgery. During my second visit with her, she asked me a bunch of questions and I ask her one. Do I need a mammogram or ultrasound prior to the surgery? She asked me if I have a family history. I didn't know of anyone, so she told me "no, I didn't meet the criteria". She took my money and sent me on my way. Three days after my breast aug, I went back to her office because my right breast was in so much pain. She told me she dug in that side a lot and the pain should stop. After a week, a lump appeared under my right arm pit. I immediately went back to the doctor. She thought it was a fibroadenoma. She told me if it's not gone in a month, she will send me for an ultrasound. I told her I wanted one now. The ultrasound did detect a large mass but he wanted me to come back in a month for another one. After second ultrasound, my surgeon wanted to take a biopsy. Approx. a week later, I received a call from her that I have stage 2a triple negative breast cancer. I thought my life was over. I'm only 32 years old with two small kids. But with the support and love of my family and friends I made it through 16 chemo treatments and now I'm working on my radiation treatments. Keeping my faith!!

Palmetto, FL