BRCA1 + working Mom of four with breast cancer

I am a young working mother of four young children ages 4-11. I eat healthy, I exercise, I don't smoke, and I get regular checkups. I also breastfed all four of my children for a total of 5- 1/2 years. I get regular mammograms. I had practically a "zero" chance of having breast cancer in my mind. Last year, my mammogram was apparently "clear" with dense breast tissue. This year, I have a 9x9cm linear calcification area consistent with ductal/invasive carcinoma. I was in shock. The news kept getting worse, it seemed. The biopsy indicated grade 3 aggressive type cells(but ER,PR positive, HER2 negative). Because of my young age, I was tested for the BRCA mutation. I have had no ovarian cancer in my family or young women with breast cancer. We do have cancer on both sides, but not those. I was convinced I did not have it. Of course I did- BRCA1- the worst one. I chose a double mastectomy. I could not find anyone locally to do NSM, so I flew to California for surgery. It was bad enough to have cancer, I did not want to be mutilated. I did not realize how much I liked my breasts until they were going to take them. Even though the nipples may stay (depending on frozen section), I will not have sensation. I did get to keep my nipples, but unfortunately, I had three positive nodes, no clear margins against my chest, and my invasive portion was >5cm, all indicating that I need radiation in addition to chemotherapy. Eventually I will have to have my ovaries out which I am not happy about either. I had my port placed and will start chemotherapy soon.
Distraction from my busy life with my children keep me grounded, my wonderful husband, and praying keep me going. My fantastic friends and family have been making us meals, supporting us, and praying for us as well. I have a long, bountiful life ahead of me & plan on sticking around for many many years!

Buffalo, NY