Boobs and Mr Beau Jangles

Being diagnosed with grade 3 triple negative BC in January 2013 was a bolt from the blue, not something I had expected. The fact that we had 2 weeks previously, taken ownership of an 8 week old English pointer puppy concerned me greatly. How was I going to manage with hospitals, surgery, chemo and a puppy? In fact, I should never have worried, as Mr Beau Jangles became the best thing to happen to me, and I wasn't going to let cancer get in the way!
I had surgery on 6th Feb to remove the tumour and 6 lymph nodes, followed by 3 FEC and 3 Taxotere chemos. I was selected to take part in the Fast Forward radiotherapy trial, so had 5 days of radiotherapy instead of the expected 15. By August 12th 2013, my treatment was complete, and having not been overly concernd about hair loss, all that was left for me to do was get life back to normal.
I would say that this point was THE most difficulty of the whole journey. Up to now, I had been told by health professionals what would happen, what I needed to do, and how I should, do it. Once treatment was over, I was on my own.
We moved house on 21st August, and I started a new job on 23rd August. Looking back, I hadn't fully realised the impact that 6 months of treatment for cancer would have on me, I was exhausted. Driving home from my very first day in work, I cried the whole way, feeling sorry for myself, and asking myself what was I trying to prove? But, getting home to Beau, and my husband David, just made me realise what was impritant in my life, and the mantra that I had repeated to myself continually through treatment, "If I'm ok, then everyone else will be", was there in my mind, telling me not to give in and to fight all the way.
I was superbly lucky to have support all the way from family and friends, and the amazing Welsh cancer charity, Tenovus.

Cath Jones
Caerphilly, United Kingdom