Blessings in Disguise

In 2010 my mother called me and said she had been diagnosed with breast cancer, that it was time for me to come home. At that time I lived in Nashville, Tn worked at Vanderbilt. A great job that I really did like and enjoy. So I prayed about it and God led me back to Kentucky. I got a job at a local hospital (not good pay) but, I was here for my mother I thought. Three months later I had a blood clot in my leg so I had surgery. They put in a stint, a week later another blood clot. Doctor said something is wrong so he did lab work, cat scan, and a ultrasound. The doctor came into the room and sat on the bed and said you have breast cancer. I was astonished; I didn't know to cry or what to do. He asked me about when was the last time I had a mammogram I told him I have one every birthday. He called where I had the mammogram and they sent the report. It didn't show any cancer; he quoted that either they must had missed it on the mammogram because of it being small. . My cancer was in the first stages thank God and it was the size of a green pea, also underneath my breast. I had the surgery and during that year I had four blood clots in the same leg. I did have radiation. Plus the doctor put me on a chemo pill until the hematologist took me off of the chemo pill because of the blood clots. The reason why I posted this story is that if I stayed in Nashville, Tn I would be dead or in stage four breast cancer by now. This was a blessing in disguise for me to come back to Kentucky. My mother now has Lukemia but, she is doing well to be 74 years old and is still working. GOD gives us blessings that we would have never thought about. Thank you for reading my story.

Beverly Acree
Horse Cave, KY