Blessed Beyond Measure

The same day I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I learned that I was losing my job...a career job, the best one ever, and one I enjoyed. After sharing the news with my family that evening and having my cry, together with personal friends we prayed and my life was placed in the Lord's hands. I had had 5 previous breast biopsies, somewhat expecting any one to be positive, because my family history was filled with multiple cases of cancer, including my Mother who died from liver cancer. Four weeks after that phone call, my Stage 1 breast cancer was removed and I was given a clean bill of health. When I returned to work, the job was closing down and I only had to work part-time, with full pay and benefits. The Lord truly provided for my needs...both medically and financially. While I did not go through any treatment, I still had the wonderful support of my precious husband and our two sons during that time of recovery and the five years of testing/medication that followed. One son wanted to know that I was going to be OK, and he was fine. The other son had some medical background, and he wanted to see/touch/ know all there was to know. One major event was the get well card our youngest son gave me on the day of surgery. Don't remember what that card said, but I will never forget his personal note. He had written... "Mom, it doesn't matter that they do in surgery today...whether you come out with one breast, two, or none. You are who you are from the inside out and nothing they can do to you today will ever change that. You are a wonderful, loving, caring Mom and you will always be that to me.' Today I am a 17 years breast cancer survivor. The only reminder of the breast cancer is the lymphedema in my arm which I control with a compression garment. That in itself is my witness of how the Lord blessed me then and still does to tis day.

Carolyn Kooch
Knoxville, TN