Belife is the key

When hearing the word cancer, we think of death. Not all cancers end up with death. With proper support and strong belief in god and yourself, you can beat your cancer.
Days before my 26th birthday, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Hearing the news, I was so shocked as no one in my family have had breast cancer or any cancer. And now me at the age of 26!! 13 January 2014 I had I lumpectomy and nodes removal. After that I started chemotherapy and radiation just after chemo. Chemo was the worst of all, the support I had from my family and husbands was huge. They provided me with all means of support I needed, financial and emotional. I couldn’t do it without them. The key to win this battle is to believe in god and in yourself. Believe you could beat the cancer, try to imagine the good times you will have in the future with your loved ones. Try to be optimistic all the way long. I am sure we all have the strength to win the battle. Enjoy your life to the max while you still living cause we aren’t staying here forever!

ula khaled
sana'a, Yemen