Being Assertive

After having my yearly mammo in June 2013 received a call that I needed to go back for a repeat mammo and possible US. This has happened so many times I had lost count over the years so I was surprised when I saw the mass on the mammo. The radiologist told me that it was just a spot of dense breast tissue and recommended that I come back in six months. I told him no, that my sister had breast cancer and I wanted a referral to a breast specialist. After seeing the specialist and a steriotactic biopsy I had invasive ductal carcinoma. After having an MRI and it showing more suspicious spots of the Right breast I opted for a single mastectomy.

Surgery with reconstruction was on September 10, 2013, Stage I cancer. I opted to have Oncotyping of my tumor and my score was 15 so no chemo. I do have some areas of the left breast that were on the MRI but did not show up on Ultrasound. I will be having my expander removed first of March and a silicone prosthesis placed. When healed I will have a repeat MRI and if spots still present on left side will have biopsy. I now wish I had gone with a bilateral mastectomy but at the time was not emotionally ready.

I had the best support system any woman could ask for, my husband was with me every step of the way, my children and family were right there with me. I never could have had such a good attitude about all this had it not been for God, my family and special friends who are survivors themselves.

Maureen Nokes