Be A Survivor, Not A Victim!

In the summer of 2008, was 37 years old. I had a wonderful husband, a 3 year-old son, and a new home. I also had five tumors in my right breast and positive lymph nodes. Stage 3 Breast Cancer.

By the end of 2008, I had gone through a bi-lateral mastectomy, 4 months of chemo, 7 weeks of radiation, reconstructive surgery, a post-operative infection and early menopause due to chemo. I felt like I aged 20 years. I felt ugly, worn out, and ravaged by this disease. But I was determined to be a survivor and not a victim.

I lost a lot: my breasts, my youth, my hope of having more children, and my home due to medical bills. But I gained more. I now know the value of each sunrise, and what it feels like to have your loved ones rally to support you. I know how important it is to believe in yourself. I know that cancer is an enemy that we need to fight with all the tools we have available to us, including medicine, awareness and perserverence. Most of all, I gained self-respect. I know now that I can survive anything.

I am a survivor, not a victim and I hope everyone diagnosed with Breast Cancer can someday say the same.

Stephanie Joyce
Costa Mesa, CA