Bcra2 breast cancer @ 32

Hi I'm Nikki I was diagnosed with BC five years ago I had mastectomy and chemo for 6 months & tamoxifen. I had results that were her2+ So I had to have Herceptin for 18 cycles. This was a hard time for me being a single parent with 2 young girls. I tried to be brave and strong for them although I was hurting inside. Two years after I was first diagnosed I felt a lump under my left arm and it was cancer. I had an operation to remove the tumour and had Taxol chemo for 12 weeks, very hard being the second time I'd lose my hair but this time I knew what to expect so I just shaved it off as I did not want to go through the falling out stage again. I decided to have reconstruction with a tummy tuck too, and I was amazed at the results using my own tissue. This was my decision not one that was made for me. Two years on, my sister was diagnosed with BC at 38 and this sent alarm bells off at the hospital with the surgeon, my sister was tested for the BCRA gene and it was BCRA2 +, something I never wanted to hear after what id already been through. I was called in to have the test, as it was possible I had the gene too and my results came back as posetive. The road ahead for us both was heart renching but we made the most of a bad situation and remained posetive throughout. I had my overies and tubes removed. I had a skin sparing right mastectomy with expander, reconstruction followed using a silicone this time. Still on tamoxifen I have a healthier lifestyle than ever before. My sister is doing well. We have five daughters between us aged between 7 & 21 but knowledge is power. Thank you for reading my story and I hope you like and share to help raise awareness for mammograms, I'd like to get 1 million likes to make my journey worth while !!!!

Nicola Satchell
London, United Kingdom