Baseline Mammogram

I turned 40 in March 2009 and received my referral for my baseline mammogram in June. For some reason I never scheduled the mammogram until the following February. I thought nothing of it since it was just my baseline mammogram. The next morning I was sitting at work and my phone rang and it was my gynecologist. I thought this is odd and answer the phone. When I heard the voice on the other end I knew something was wrong. It was my doctor on the phone. She said that the radiologist didn't want to wait until he got the report finished to get me into a surgeon. My doctor was wonderful and recommended a surgeon and got me an appointment the next afternoon. After hanging up the phone I just sat in my office crying and with so many different throughts going through my head. My family, my husband and my kids that were 3 and 4. I called my husband who was working out of town for the day and had to break the news to him. He is the most wonderful husband and with the support that he gave me during this time was unbelievable. Luckily I work with my two best friends and was able to get theough the rest of the day. The next few days were a whirlwind of emotions and a lot of waiting for results from biopsies and MRI's and more biopsies. It was finally diagnosed as DCIS and LCIS and would have to have a mastectomy because between the 2 cancers it covered 75% of my right breast. Luckily after the surgery it was determined that only a very small area had become invasive and I didn't need chemo. I just had to take tamoxifen. My family and friends were so supportive, helpful and caring during this time that it made everything manageable and I knew that I would get through this and be a survivor. I am happy to report that I am 4 years cancer free.

Hanahan, SC