Bald and Beautiful at 24!

Hearing the news that the pathology report tested positive for Stage 2 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Breast Cancer was not a surprise to me. At a very young age I watched one of my favorite Aunts suffer and lose the battle against Breast Cancer. Since then there was always a fear growing inside of me that I would face the same battle. It was almost as if I felt cursed or pre-destined to go down this road. But just like anyone who ever experienced the first time uttering the words to themselves, "I have Cancer" the tears began to fall. I decided that was the first and last day I would ever shed a tear over my diagnosis.

I wanted to find away to make this battle worth it, by making a difference, by becoming an inspiration to others. I decided to take the worry out of everything. I stopped worrying about chemo, losing my hair, not surviving or even losing a breast. Those things no longer mattered to me, they no longer scared me. What scared me the most, was missing my opportunity to turn this into something beautiful.

God only chooses his strongest warriors to endure the worst and for that reason I am looking forward to this battle. There is a reason God chose me to take on this battle and I don't want to waste any time as I try to discover why.

I am currently in the mist of my chemotherapy treatment and I am embracing and loving this bald head of mine. I use to be a person wrapped up in hair. I use to be jealous of girls with long beautiful hair. But now, I feel beautiful without having to spend $100s on weaves and being jealous of other women is a thing of the past. I am beautiful just the way I am. I am not my hair. And my hair does make me beautiful. What shows on the inside makes a person beautiful and I believe and feel that now. 

My little bald head and my never ending smile tells my story!

Marqui McPherson
Murrieta, CA