Awareness is Key

My story starts with a little pimple that I noticed on my left breast in mid-November. Initially I was going to wait until my annual exam in March, but decided to call for an appointment a few days before the Thanksgiving holiday. My doctor confirmed the pimple was just that, a zit, but after a thorough breast exam she discovered a lump…in my right breast! I felt it, and was terrified. I was sent for imaging immediately, which resulted in 2 separate biopsies. I waited through the Thanksgiving holiday weekend for the news. On Monday, 12/2, my OBGYN called me; I was diagnosed with IDC. I am scheduled for surgery this month. It’s been an emotional roller coaster, with more ups and downs than I can count, but I know I will get through it. I have an amazing husband, and a great support group of family and friends. I truly believe this is happening for a reason, and I am about to embark on a pretty amazing journey. Cancer has always been one of my biggest fears, especially after losing close family members to various types, and now I am facing that fear head on. There is no going back, and it doesn’t help to feel sorry for myself. I will fight this, and I will be fine. Prevention is always better than cure, and I hope folks will make the commitment to themselves to schedule all required doctors’ visits (and keep the appointment). Please don’t ever let anything get in the way of your health and wellness, and remember that awareness is key; always pay attention to your body. It may have seemed silly at the time, but I am so glad I called about that little pimple.

Amy English
Boston, NY