Four years ago this past February, I head an angel whisper while at work, “Get your mammogram.” As I put the key in the front door lock that evening, I again heard the angel whisper, “Get your mammogram.” I dropped my bags in the open doorway and went to my den to retrieve my 9-MONTH OVERDUE mammogram order. I called the breast center the next day and received an appointment for that Thursday, which was my birthday.

The following Monday at work, the breast center called, asking me to come in to repeat my mammogram. I went in on my lunch hour; had a repeat mammogram, which turned into two MRIs and three needle biopsies—long lunch hour! Two days later, I had my diagnosis--stage I invasive ductal carcinoma. A lumpectomy was two weeks later.

During radiation, in answer to prayer, I was led and blessed to start The Sparkle Caps Project to help women coming behind me. Walking in the shoes of others can be emotionally draining for me at times, and I need to take a day off and cry and pray for others; but then I get back on the horse and start planning the next trip to my treating facility to give out gift bags to women who have been referred to me by the chemo nurses. We empower and uplift women with all types of cancer, letting them know that they are loved; that they are HOT CHICKS, in spite of their hair loss; that their femininity is not tied to their hair; and we encourage them to have positive attitudes, because that is part of the battle.

The cancer journey is not an easy one and more difficult for others. It is unique to each one of us. I pray that you each will find your blessings on this unasked for journey, as have I. Victorious over cancer! Victorious in God!

Susan "Victorious" Heimbigner
Sumter, SC